What types of operating room consumables can be divided into

Editor of this website :Hangzhou Xinhao Medical Technology Co., Ltd
Release date :2015-01-28 14:35
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Operating room consumables Commonly known as medical consumables, it generally refers to disposable medical consumables. In practical operation, operating room consumables can be divided into two categories: low value consumables and high value consumables.
手术室耗材 1、 Low value consumables are relative to high value and are generally used by many departments. Simply put; The first, second, and third categories are technical classifications, and there is no correct classification for high and low values, which is a general classification method.
2、 High value consumables generally refer to consumable medical devices that are crucial to safety, must be strictly controlled in production and use, limited to certain specialized uses, and have relatively high prices. Medical materials such as cardiac intervention, peripheral vascular intervention, artificial joints, and alternative organ interventions.
However, according to the classification of the Drug Administration, operating room consumables can be registered in three categories, as follows:
1、 Medical devices whose safety and effectiveness should be controlled;
2、 Medical devices that can ensure their safety and effectiveness through routine management;
3、 Medical devices implanted in the human body to support and maintain life, with potential risks to the human body, and whose safety and effectiveness must be strictly controlled.
In summary, Types of consumables in the operating room It can be roughly divided into so many. If you want to learn more about operating room consumables, you can contact us at Xinhao. We have more operating room supplies for you to choose from at Xinhao.